• Born in Bristol but now residing in Manchester for almost three decades.
  • Deputy Lieutenant of Greater Manchester.
  • Trained actor.
  • Former Director of Marketing at the Oldham Coliseum Theatre.
  • Author of  With Friends Like These, They Started Here!, The World of Crime (with Peter Riley) and Lights, Camera, Location!
  • Former editor of Fourmost Magazine, On The Air Magazine, Summer Wine Special, The Good Old Days and regular contributor to Lancashire Life, Lancashire Magazine and Cheshire Life.
  • Over 30 years of lecturing on the history of Coronation Street.
  • Member of the British Music Hall Society.
  • Author of over a dozen published pantomime scripts.
  • Freeman of Highgate.
  • Vice Chair of Trustees at Willow Wood Hospice.
  • Host/event organiser for many large scale events and award ceremonies including Oldham Christmas Lights Switch-Ons, Christmas parades etc.
  • Finalist in Pride In Oldham Awards.
  • Voice over artist behind many narrations and commercials.
